A Mindful Sit with Tamala
I can think of multiple situations throughout my day where unhelpful thoughts can cling like packing peanuts, throwing off my balance, and clouding my judgment.
I can think of multiple situations throughout my day where unhelpful thoughts can cling like packing peanuts, throwing off my balance, and clouding my judgment.
In consulting with an aromatherapist, Angelina indicates she would like a product that is portable and serves both to calm and to sharpen focus.
As a part of forest ecosystems, this species supports biodiversity by providing an excellent habitat for a large number of birds and small mammals, which facilitates its regeneration and contributes to the overall health of its environment.
Should you ever have the opportunity to visit the lush valleys of Nepal, I hope you will experience the beauty and aroma of the Cinnamomum tamala plant.
There is something to be said about seeing a year come to completion. It can motivate us to neatly finish up the year by tying up loose ends.
Thank you for joining us for our Thrive LIVE session with Rock Rose. Whether you're watching it for the first time or again, we've created this page to revisit as often as you like.
When we began exploring the essential oils, I encouraged everyone to focus on how each scent made them feel rather than simply listing the therapeutic properties of each oil.
After learning more about the benefits and botanical background of Rock Rose essential oil—an oil known for fighting against microbes and its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities, it's time to implement this knowledge.