Tulsi October 2024 Replay
Thank you for joining us for our Thrive LIVE session with Tulsi. Whether you're watching it for the first time or again, we've created this page to revisit as often as you like.
I discovered aromatherapy through massage school and never looked back. In addition to teaching aromatherapy courses, I support Aromahead students through case studies and research paper processes.
Thank you for joining us for our Thrive LIVE session with Tulsi. Whether you're watching it for the first time or again, we've created this page to revisit as often as you like.
Now that you’ve found your comfortable quiet space, take a moment to move your body to work out any areas where you might notice any discomfort.
If you have a friend or neighbor with an established Tulsi plant, you can simply take a cutting and remove any flowers, and a few leaves growing on the bottom of the stem.
It wasn’t long before I noticed that my head was aching and my stomach was nauseous.
"The Laurel is a plant of extreme vitality: if cut down, it will regrow from roots that remain alive. Its essential oil expresses the same strength and vitality when put to therapeutic use.
Take a deep breath in, inhaling the crisp, refreshing scent of the air around you. Feel the coolness of the air as you breathe in, filling your lungs with calmness and clarity. As you exhale, release any tension or worries that you may be carrying.
Modern research supports several health benefits associated with sweet marjoram (herb).
It works by affecting certain pathways in the body that control pain and inflammation.
In that moment I saw myself as sand sage, not necessarily the most physically beautiful plant to gaze upon but its tenacity to roll with life’s ups and downs while spreading its sweet message of love and support was quite reflective.