The Plant Behind the Oil: Vetiver
The roots of Chrysopogon zizanioides are the source of vetiver essential oil, a highly valued product in the perfume and cosmetics industries.
This monthly series will introduce you to the plants behind your essential oils! We have a deep love of plants and a passion for natural healing and sustainable living. In this series, we'll share a wealth of knowledge so that you can better understand your essential oils and the beautiful plants they come from.
The roots of Chrysopogon zizanioides are the source of vetiver essential oil, a highly valued product in the perfume and cosmetics industries.
Nepeta cataria is known for its resilience and ability to grow in diverse environments.
As a part of forest ecosystems, this species supports biodiversity by providing an excellent habitat for a large number of birds and small mammals, which facilitates its regeneration and contributes to the overall health of its environment.
They revered the goats from whose beards this celestial substance was gathered, and pharaohs would adorn themselves with fake beards of goat furs saturated in labdanum (cistus resin) to symbolize their connection to the heavenly world.
If you have a friend or neighbor with an established Tulsi plant, you can simply take a cutting and remove any flowers, and a few leaves growing on the bottom of the stem.
Laurel has a host of common names, including bay tree, bay leaf tree, bay laurel, sweet bay, sweet bag, Grecian laurel, and true laurel.
Modern research supports several health benefits associated with sweet marjoram (herb).
But hops also has a history of usage extending beyond its classic inclusion in beers, and it offers many benefits as an aromatic herb and essential oil.
Bergamot mint was used in folk magic to increase the flow of wealth to one’s life.