Bruce has noticed an annoying dry cough with a runny nose and inflamed sinuses that seem to flare after he climbs into bed at night. It's not only annoying, it's affecting his sleep. He consulted his healthcare provider, and his provider suspected Bruce may have an allergy to dust mites. Dust mites are very tiny insect-like pests that are present in 80% of US households. They don't bite or burrow; they live in bedding and mattresses, where they feed on dead human skin cells. Some people are allergic to the dust produced by dust mites, and Bruce's symptoms are consistent with this diagnosis. Bruce's health care provider instructed him to wash his bedding regularly in hot water, thoroughly vacuum, and dust the carpet and surfaces in the bedroom to control the dust mite population. He suggested he take an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant to control the symptoms.

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